INNATE Postpartum Care:

Planning for the Fourth Trimester Course

A course for pregnant mothers and their families to prepare for a nourishing and revitalizing postpartum period

Join the waitlist today to be the first to know when the next class will take place!

It is said that how a mother is cared for in the first 40 days after birth affects the next 40 years of her life.

Many traditional cultures understand the importance of this time period on a mother’s long term health. We can look to our physiology — how our bodies are designed — to see what is required for healing in the immediate time after birth and how working against this can cause many common situations that are normalized in our culture but certainly are not “normal”.

Looking at it through this lens, we can see that proper postpartum care is not a luxury, but a necessity for thriving life.

This course weaves together wisdom from the world’s postpartum traditions, backed by modern science and rooted in the biology of women’s bodies.

By aligning ourselves with our biology, we give our bodies the chance to optimally heal and transition with more ease.

This takes us outside of the culture of “bounce back” - trying to rush back to who we were before. We can slow down, ease in, and come forward through this experience to become more fully who we are now.

When mothers are cared for, they can more freely care for their babies and families from a fulfilled place.


When is class?

This class takes place over five weeks. The first four classes occur prenatally. The fifth and final class occurs once everyone is at least six weeks postpartum.

Next class TBD. Join the waitlist to be the first to hear!

Who is this class for?

This class is designed for mothers and partners from pre-conception through 35 weeks gestation. It is important that the mother does not receive this information alone. Fathers/partners/family/friends who will be supporting the mother through and after birth attend class as well.

Together we will:

  • Gather in community with like-hearted families.

  • Discuss postpartum physiology and optimal support for this time.

  • Make a personalized plan for your unique wants and needs during your postpartum period

  • Make a resource list.

  • Brainstorm ideas for support and funds.

Your guide:

Alyssa Mancini, RN, BSN, CLC

I provide holistic postpartum and lactation support to mothers and their families. I deeply value family, thriving health, true informed consent, and the natural world.
As a new mother, so much conflicting information is thrown at us. I am honored to support you to stand in your authority and connect to your intuition while providing you with the resources and information rooted in our design as humans and supported by modern science to inform this.

Questions? Contact us!